Thursday, December 3, 2009

College Soccer or Basketball??

I am a junior to be in high school..I recently had a slight acl tear which resulted in me missing all of soccer season..i had played football my freshman year butt the football coach left so i thought i would give soccer a try..i played in a leauge during the spring and decided to give it a shot at the high school level..then i got tore my acl in a pickup basketball game..

the football coach wants me to come out and play and thinks he could get me into acollegesomewhere to play QB or even another skill position..i was an ok QB my freshman year but will most likely be backing up a senior QB this year unless i won the job..also im not guaranteed a starting position on the soccer squad..i like both sports butt alot of my really close friends play soccer but my older brother will be a senior on the football team as that also factors in..

Does anybody have any wisdom or advice that they would be willing to share??

College Soccer or Basketball??concert tickets

dont do what u think is what people think u should do, do what u love, u play sports for the love of the game, not what people tell to

College Soccer or Basketball??nba sports ,nba teams

wrong section
You need to make this decision on your own, its your choice and yours alone.
can't you do both soccer and football

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